Reforming the Common European Asylum System: Towards a Unified, Fair and Effective Policy AIRE Legal Project Manager and Registered European Lawyer Markella Papadouli spoke today in Brussels at the Public Policy Exchange conference on “Reforming the Common European Asylum System: Towards a Unified, Fair and Effective Policy”. Markella represented both The AIRE Centre and the Immigration Law Practitioners Association (ILPA) and contributed in the panel, which discussed the EU Agenda on Asylum. Markella’s speech included an overview as well as a critical assessment of the new CEAS legislative proposals from the legal practitioners’ vantage point. Markella’s view came to contrast with European Conservatives and Reformists Group MEP Helga Stevens’ views on the reformed measures package. The conference continues until the end of the day today with contributions from inter alia UNHCR, IOM, the European Commission, and Save the Children. Manage Cookie Preferences