AIRE Centre Legal Project Officer Markella Papadouli was invited by the Cypriot Police Academy (Training Program "Law of the Sea, No.3") to provide training on Human Rights at Sea to representatives of the Cypriot law enforcement authorities.

Markella spoke alongside Dr. Efthymios Papastayridis, Research Assistant at Oxford University, Ms. Maria Pilikou and Mr. Nikolaos Ioannidis of the Cypriot Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Markella's presentation touched upon the responsibility to rescue at sea as well as the state responsibility to receive those rescued, combined with the non refoulement principle.

The contribution was informed by recent pending ECtHR cases on non refoulement at the borders in which The AIRE Centre intervened namely Khlaifia and Others v Italy (case number 16483/12) and ND and NT v Italy (case numbers 8675/15 and 8697/15). The judgment in Khlaifia and Others v Italy is expected to be delivered by the Court in a public hearing on 15/12. 

You can find more information on the Khlaifia and Others v Italy here

You can find more information on ND and NT v Italy here